
Build Something Great

Hello, this is my first blog post.  I guess the thing to say is welcome and if you are struggling with anger issues, or being told by others that your anger is a problem, welcome! You have come to the right place.  Anytime we attempt to change our behavior we have the chance to learn so much about ourselves. Believe me, I know it takes so much courage. As men we are used to building things and working on projects. We want to give something to the world.  By working on your own mind, and, your own heart you are truly learning the greatest skill of all, and giving the greatest gift to yourself, your family and the world.  I look forward to meeting you along this journey.  Use this blog section for updates and information that you can use right away.  The posts in the learning center are meant to be worked in order from oldest to newest.  Let’s build something great.

To work with me personally click here